There was some confusion generated by the yard waste flyer that recently went out in the monthly water bills about grass clippings and leaf collection. The city has and will continue to pick up grass clippings and leaves that are bagged and placed on the curb if a pick-up is scheduled by Tuesday at 12PM. Residents can schedule a yard waste pick-up by going to www.cityofbelmont.org/yardwaste or calling 704-825-0507.
Loose leaves that are raked to the curb are only picked up (vacuumed) October – March. Any loose leaves that are not bagged will not be picked up April – September. Any loose grass clippings will not be picked up. We ask that residents do NOT place un-bagged grass clippings on the curb at anytime. They can clog storm water drains and cause safety issues for motorists and bicyclist.
For a yard waste pick-up, residents must schedule their pick-up by each Tuesday at 12PM for pick up starting on Wednesday. Our employees start weekly yard waste pick-ups on Wednesdays, but may not complete all of them until Thursday if a lot of requests have been submitted. If you have scheduled a yard waste pick-up, please do not assume it has been forgotten if it isn’t picked up on Wednesday. If you have scheduled a yard waste pick-up by Tuesday at 12PM and your yard waste has not been picked up by Friday of that week, please call 704-825-0507.