The Davis Park tennis Court lights are currently not working. We are working on getting them repaired ASAP. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Tucker Road Subdivision

Tucker Road Subdivision - MDP2018.01    Withdrawn

A request to develop a 141 lot single-family residential subdivision on 72.25 acres.  Parcel ID# 201477, 201476, 201478. Anticipated Planning Board Meeting Date: TBD.  A notice will be sent by mail to adjacent property owners or interested parties when meeting date has been confirmed a minimum of 10-days prior to the meeting.  You may email the project planner if you would like to be added to the project mailing list.

February 2021 Project Update--New--Sketch Plan for Zoning Map Amendment Submitted

 The property owner/applicant has withdrawn its original plan and is now proposing to down-zone the property to Rural Residential to accommodate a 20 single-family residential lots.  This proposed zoning district requires a minimum of a 2 acre lot.  The development is proposed to be served by well and septic.  The applicant will request relief in the area of curb, gutter, sidewalk, and required open space.


If you would like to speak with someone about this Project, please see the information below.


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