How to get a grave deed transfer?
To find out information about burial plots in Greenwood Cemetery please call the Public Works Administrative Assistant at 704-825-0507 or submit your request online here.
To find out information about burial plots in Greenwood Cemetery please call the Public Works Administrative Assistant at 704-825-0507 or submit your request online here.
To find out information about burial plots in Greenwood Cemetery please call the Public Works Administrative Assistant at 704-825-0507 or submit your request online here.
For applications and more information regarding our Boards and Advisory Committees, please visit our Engage web page to see all of the ways you can get involved.
To view the current county and municipal tax rates go to the following website:
To view the current property tax amounts on a property visit:
To view the current county and municipal tax rate, please visit the Gaston County Tax Office Website.
To search for information on current and/or previous tax bills and payments visit the following website for more information:
If you have received a summons for jury duty and need additional information, visit the Gaston County Courts website by clicking here.
All local elections are managed by Gaston County. For more election information click here.
To find you voting location, please click here.