The Davis Park tennis Court lights are currently not working. We are working on getting them repaired ASAP. Sorry for any inconvenience.

FAQ Topic: Anticipated Consultant Coordination

Given the amount of shoreline in the area, Does the City have a good working relationship with Duke Energy and the guidelines that may or may not affect the waterfront areas?

The City of Belmont has good working relationships with Duke Energy, Catawba Riverkeepers, Lake Wylie Marine Commission, Carolina Thread Trail, neighboring municipalities, Gaston County, Centralina Council of Governments, and others that can offer support and assistance during the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update process to understand outside guidelines that may impact our envisioned land uses.

What are the anticipated consultant coordination efforts to be included in scope?

CLUP Update Consultant will serve as the “Project Manager” compiling concurrent planning efforts for inclusion in the CLUP Update, and making sure all parties are informed of updates that may impact or inform all parties. City Staff will manage individual contracts assist with coordination of public outreach associated with all concurrent planning efforts. Multimodal Network … Continued

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