The Davis Park tennis Court lights are currently not working. We are working on getting them repaired ASAP. Sorry for any inconvenience.

FAQ Topic: 2023 Comprehensive Land Use Update

Is the Parks and Open Spaces section intended to be a new plan/section?

This should be a new section within the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that builds on the environmental factors and Parks/Natural Areas place type within the existing comprehensive land use plan. This section should incorporate the following elements at minimum: Urban & Suburban Open Space types ▪ Public vs. Private ▪ Cluster Developments vs. Large Lot … Continued

How quantitative an effort does the City envision that the analysis of fiscal impacts needs to be? Does the City have an existing fiscal impact model?

The Fiscal impact analysis within the Comprehensive Land Use Plan is at minimum intended to demonstrate how each land use impacts municipal finances (costs and revenue), and how these land uses impact the city’s ability to provide for public services During the preparation of this analysis, the Capital Improvements Plan should be considered to ensure … Continued

Will original digital copies of the 2018 Comprehensive Land Use Plan – along with any related graphics, base maps, etc. be made available for consultant use?

The 2018 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (along with other adopted plans) can be found online at: The City also has Word and PDF versions of the 2018 Comprehensive Land Use Plan available for consultant use. An ESRI Layer Package of sidewalks, multi-use paths, and off-road lines is also available.

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