• Please find further clarification of city expectations in each of the sections as follows. Please note that the scope should include updates to all sections as needed to reflect the collective feedback received from our community, but staff specifically anticipates the following: Land Use– This section is existing, but should be updated. See notes on … Continued
Yes- A new Transit Oriented Development small area plan may be warranted within the CLUP Update, and would be part of the CLUP Update project scope. A preliminary TOD plan has been envisioned for our area within the LYNX Silver Line Transit-Oriented Development Study (link here), specifically on pages 25-26, that could serve as the … Continued
Yes- This update is anticipated to be updated in coordination with a separate consultant (hired by a downtown property owner) who has interest in redevelopment within this area. Their visioning plan has been publicly shared, but not yet adopted (link to plan presentation here). Staff has notified the property owner that public input and subsequent … Continued
This should be a new section within the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that builds on the environmental factors and Parks/Natural Areas place type within the existing comprehensive land use plan. This section should incorporate the following elements at minimum: Urban & Suburban Open Space types ▪ Public vs. Private ▪ Cluster Developments vs. Large Lot … Continued
The Fiscal impact analysis within the Comprehensive Land Use Plan is at minimum intended to demonstrate how each land use impacts municipal finances (costs and revenue), and how these land uses impact the city’s ability to provide for public services During the preparation of this analysis, the Capital Improvements Plan should be considered to ensure … Continued
While the City has an attorney that will review the final document prior to adoption, the consultant is expected to understand the requirements of N.C.G.S. 160-D and other applicable regulations and prepare a plan update in compliance with North Carolina requirements for long-range plans.
The 2018 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (along with other adopted plans) can be found online at: https://www.cityofbelmont.org/adopted-plans-and-maps/ The City also has Word and PDF versions of the 2018 Comprehensive Land Use Plan available for consultant use. An ESRI Layer Package of sidewalks, multi-use paths, and off-road lines is also available.
The project duration is anticipated to be 12 to 18 months, dependent on the schedule recommendation of the selected consultant. This is to allow for ample public engagement throughout the community to inform the updated plan. This timeline also allows for collaboration and coordination with other simultaneous efforts to be integrated into this planning initiative- … Continued
Commencement of the project is anticipated to begin as soon as possible following final consultant selection, once all required documentation is in place. The original RFP reference to a May 15th commencement was incorrect.