South Fork Senior Community
Zoning Map Amendment 2020.02 -- Carolina Riverside
A request to rezone a 462+ acres from GR/TND to GR/NC-C Conditional Zoning District (G-R/NC-C/CD) to accommodate a 809 unit senior residential community (age-restricted 55+) and a commercial town center. The community is proposed to be a Del Webb Retirement Community consisting of detached, single-family homes with associated amenities (trail, parks, amenity center). The development is located within the South Fork Small Area Plan.
Project Status:
- Sketch Plan √
- Traffic Study - √
- Zoning Application and Schematic Plan Submittal √
- Community Meeting - √
- Planning Board Meeting - √
- City Council Public Hearing-- √ APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON 5/24/2020.
- Construction Plans: Roadway plans and Village D conditionally approved.
ZA2020.02 Amendment – a request to add a condition of relief within the existing General Residential conditional zoning district (G-R/CD) for the Del Webb retirement community known as Carolina Riverside off of Armstrong Ford Road. The request is to allow relief from land development code standards specifically for installation of an enhanced signage package.
- City Council Public Hearing-- Scheduled for May 1, 2023 at 6:00pm (CityWorks; 1401 E Catawba Street)

Contact Pulte for purchase information: Amy Tuck; 704-414-7009,
If you would like to speak with someone in Planning about this Project, please see the information below.