Small Wireless Text Amendment

TA 2019.06 Small Wireless text amendment
Request: to amend chapters 2 and 6 of the Belmont Land Development Code (LDC) to incorporate definitions and design standards for small wireless facilities in compliance with state law.
Background: State lawmakers have enacted laws over the past few years to facilitate the installation of small wireless facilities throughout the state. Local governments are limited in permitting abilities (not allowed to permit in NCDOT rights-of-way, limited in ability to charge certain fees) but are allowed to adopt design standards such as stealth design, concealment, and landscaping/screening requirements.
The proposed regulations are intended to protect community character to the extend authorized by state law.
Project Status:
- Planning Board: Heard item at Thursday, December 9, 2021 meeting - unanimous recommendation of approval to city council
- City Council Public Hearing: Scheduled for Monday, January 3, 2022
If you would like to speak with someone about this project, please see the information below.