The Connect Beyond Team is hosting targeted listening sessions with community members from across our 12-county region to help refine the draft recommendations for CONNECT Beyond’s regional transit plan. These virtual listening sessions will be interactive interviews that can be done in English or Spanish and take approximately 30-minutes to complete. Each household that participates will receive a $25 gift card!
They are looking for participants preferably within the following groups:
- Use public transit on a regular basis
- Disabled | Student |Retiree | Parents
- African American, Latino, Asian or American Indigenous
- Reside in one of the 12 CONNECT Beyond counties
Individuals who are interested in participating in a listening session can either text “I am in” to (704) 666-2951 and their Team will reach out and coordinate a virtual listening session interview or register using the sign up form below.
If you know of community members or groups who might want to participate in a listening session, we encourage you to provide the Connect Beyond team with their contact information by emailing info@civiccanvas.com.