Short-term Rentals

Short-Term Rentals in Belmont
Short-term rentals (STRs) are defined as a dwelling unit used for overnight lodging accommodations which is provided to renters for compensation for no longer than 30 days. A portion of or the entire dwelling unit can be used for lodging, including part of or all of an accessory structure.
On December 5th, 2022, the city council adopted an ordinance for short-term rental operations in Belmont. The adopted rules and regulations are below.
- STRs are allowed in any existing zoning district where residential and lodging uses are permitted.
- No exterior advertising shall be allowed.
- Short-term renters shall not utilize the premise for holding pre-planned special events or gatherings (such as weddings, corporate retreats, or other large gatherings).
- Must provide one parking space per bedroom, up to two parking spaces per unit. One addition parking space for an accessory dwelling unit shall be provided on site.
- STR operators shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws according to the local authority related to fire and safety.
- The city will require a permit for individual properties that have more than four verified code violations in a rolling 12-month period or two or more code violations in a rolling 30-day period.
If you would like to speak with someone about short-term rentals, please see the information below.
Planning and Zoning