Archives: FAQs

What if I can’t pay my bill on time?

We offer an extension once per 6 months which you can receive by emailing or by calling us at 704-825-5586, option 4.

Is City Hall open yet?

All City services have moved to the new CityWorks facility located at 1401 E. Catawba Avenue and the building is now open to the public.

How do submit a request for a pool adjustment?

Please submit the start and stop meter readings and the date you filled your pool.  We will adjust only the sewer portion of your bill.  Please mailed this information to PO Box 431, Belmont, NC 28012 or email this information to

Can I pay my bill over the phone?

No, we can’t process payments by phone.  We provide several different payment options. You can pay online using your debit/credit card, drop a check or money order in our drop boxes located behind City Hall, mail in your payment, or sign up for automatic draft.  You can sign up for automatic draft on our website … Continued

Can I transfer my water and sewer service to a new address?

No, we do not transfer accounts.  If you’re moving from one address and wish to start service at another, please fill out a disconnection of service request form for your current address, then fill out a request for service for the new address.  You can access these forms on our website by clicking here.

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