Where can I find out how much my property taxes are?
To view the current property tax amounts on a property visit: https://gastonnc.devnetwedge.com/
To view the current property tax amounts on a property visit: https://gastonnc.devnetwedge.com/
To view the current county and municipal tax rate, please visit the Gaston County Tax Office Website.
To search for information on current and/or previous tax bills and payments visit the following website for more information: http://gastonnc.devnetwedge.com/
For more information on liquor license please visit the North Carolina ABC Commissions website by clicking here.
For information on how to enroll at Gaston Community College visit their website by clicking here.
If you have received a summons for jury duty and need additional information, visit the Gaston County Courts website by clicking here.
You can report a minimum housing violation online here or by contacting the city’s code enforcement officer via email at lyager@cityofbelmont.org, or by phone at 704-829-4024.
The City of Belmont contracts with WastePro for solid waste and recycling services. If your trash or recycling bins were not emptied, please call WastePro at 704-839-7800 or submit on online ticket by clicking here.
These magnets can be picked up at City Hall. They are currently located on the side of the drop box located next to the back door to City Hall.
We charge a $15.00 late fee on the 15th of each month for any accounts that aren’t paid in full by 5:00 PM. We also charge a $50.00 delinquency penalty on the 21st of each month at 5:00 PM.