Archives: FAQs

Do you live outside of the Belmont city limits?

Do you live in Belmont, but not in the city limits, Cramerton, Mt. Holly, or other communities outside of the City of Belmont? The CodeRED system that CityConnect is built on will allow you to register directly for this tool if you live outside the Belmont city limits (i.e. you don’t pay taxes to the … Continued

How do I purchase a membership for the CityRec Center?

Memberships can be purchased online at or can be purchased in person at the CityRec Center. *Proof of residency will be required upon purchase for those who live In-City limits. *

Will original digital copies of the 2018 Comprehensive Land Use Plan – along with any related graphics, base maps, etc. be made available for consultant use?

The 2018 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (along with other adopted plans) can be found online at: The City also has Word and PDF versions of the 2018 Comprehensive Land Use Plan available for consultant use. An ESRI Layer Package of sidewalks, multi-use paths, and off-road lines is also available.

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