Archives: FAQs

What is the income tax?

Income taxes are collected by the  State of North Carolina.  You can find more information on state income taxes on this website:

Where is my nearest DMV?

To locate the nearest NC DMV visit:

How do I get a driver’s license?

All North Carolina drivers licenses applications are processed through the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles.  For more information on apply for a drivers license visit:

How do I pay my property taxes?

Property taxes are managed, billed, and collected by Gaston County.  Property tax bills are sent out in July of each year, and due by January 1.  All property tax bills include both county and city taxes, if you live within a municipality’s corporate limits.  For more information on property taxes visit: For information on … Continued

How do I pay my water bill?

The City of Belmont offers many different options for you to pay your utility bill.  For a list of those options please visit the following webpage:

How can I obtain a copy of the municipal codes?

A project is underway to digitize all of the of the Municipal Code of Ordinances. Most ordinances can be found here. If you cannot find the ordinance you are looking for, please contact the City Clerk/PIO at

How do I pay a ticket?

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