Archives: FAQs

What is being done to fix all this traffic?

The City of Belmont continues to advocate for traffic improvements throughout the City through coordination with  Gaston Cleveland Lincoln MPO and the NC Department of Transportation. Chapter 16 of our Land Use Development Code also requires developers to comply with our Traffic Impact Analysis requirements and make improvements as necessary to mitigate these impacts and … Continued

Where are the best places to hike and bike in Belmont?

The City of Belmont has several great places for hiking and biking, including but not limited to, the Seven Oaks Preserve Trail and  Rocky Branch Park. You can also check out our new Belmont GO app offering free maps, guides, and tours  around the City.  You can download the Belmont Go App in the Apple … Continued

Where can I find out about upcoming road improvement projects?

The City of Belmont’s Planning and Zoning Department makes every effort keep the information on our Transportation Planning page, although changes to exact timelines are subject to change due to funding and coordination efforts with collaborative entities. If you have questions related to a specific project, please contact our Associate Planner

I think traffic in Belmont is bad enough already. I don’t want to see any more growth. Why can’t we have a plan that says there will be no more growth in Belmont?

We live in a country where private property rights are highly valued and government control is limited. For Belmont to stop all future growth, the City would have to purchase existing development rights for all parcels within its planning jurisdiction. Even if everyone who owned property agreed to sell their rights and it was legal … Continued

I received an invite to a Neighborhood/Community Meeting, what is that?

You have received notice for a neighborhood meeting because a property nearby has applied for a conditional re-zoning. The City of Belmont requires developers making this request to hold at least one community meeting to inform the surrounding property owners about their plans for development. While these meetings are not organized by the City, we … Continued

What is the difference between a legislative hearing and an evidentiary hearing?

North Carolina uses two different types of hearings to formally obtain comment on proposed zoning decisions: legislative hearings and evidentiary hearings. Legislative hearings allow citizens to comment on a specific proposal and provide their opinion in front of those making the decision. Evidentiary hearings are much like a court proceeding-witnesses present testimony, exhibits are submitted, … Continued

What is a Variance?

A variance is a permit to allow deviation from the City’s Land Development Code due to a physical constraint found on your property.  This process requires your request to go before a citizen’s board,  the Board of Adjustment, to hear and reach a decision on your request.  For more information call the Planning Department at … Continued

What is a re-zoning?

A re-zone is the process of changing the existing zoning classification to a new classification.  Each zoning classification has set permitted land uses and regulations for development that must be followed.

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