Archives: FAQs

How do I locate my account number?

Your account number is located at the top of your water bill. Don’t forget to include the “-0” at the end when logging into your account at

How can I pay my water bill?

The City of Belmont provides several payment options. You can pay online using your debit/credit card, drop a check or money order in our drop boxes located at CityWorks or City Hall, mail in your payment, or sign up for automatic draft by clicking here.  

How do I apply for a golf cart permit?

To obtain a golf cart permit call Belmont’s Code Enforcement Officer at 704-829-4024 and schedule an inspection. The Code Enforcement Officer will inspect and accept the $25 permit fee and $5 decal fee.

Can I drive a golf cart on city streets?

Driving golf carts on some city streets is permissible if you obtain a permit and follow the city regulations.  The rules and regulations for golf cart operations in the city can be found on our website here.  You can apply for a golf cart permit through our website here, by mail, or by visiting the … Continued

What information is needed to report a code violation?

It is important to provide the code enforcement officer good information to aid them in carrying out the initial inspection.  Information needed include the address or good description of the location, details of what violation you are reporting, and a picture if available.  Pictures can be included in reporting by email to, through the … Continued

How do I report a code violation?

There are a couple of ways to report a possible code violation.  Please visit Code Enforcement – Belmont, NC ( for more information. 

Where do I learn more about the light rail project in Belmont?

The LYNX Silver Line is a proposed 26-mile light rail line that is part of CATS 2030 Corridor System Plan. The line stretches from the Town of Matthews, through Center City, into the City of Belmont. More information on this project can be found on the City of Charlotte website.

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