The Davis Park tennis Court lights are currently not working. We are working on getting them repaired ASAP. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Is the Parks and Open Spaces section intended to be a new plan/section?

  • This should be a new section within the Comprehensive Land Use Plan that builds on the environmental factors and Parks/Natural Areas place type within the existing comprehensive land use plan. This section should incorporate the following elements at minimum:
      • Urban & Suburban Open Space types
        ▪ Public vs. Private
        ▪ Cluster Developments vs. Large Lot Developments
      •  Tree Canopy/ Protection
        ▪ Incorporate recommendations in response to the city’s Tree Canopy
      •  Parks
        ▪ 2019 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Recommendations
        ▪ Private amenities (ie. Within HOA neighborhoods) and their impact on
        the need for municipal parks/ amenities
      •  Greenways and Blueways
      •  Water Resources
        ▪ Watershed Protection
        ▪ Floodplain
      • Return on Investments – balancing initial costs and costs for maintenance with
        positive impacts on recreation, travel/ tourism, environmental protection, etc.
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