The Davis Park tennis Court lights are currently not working. We are working on getting them repaired ASAP. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Planning and Zoning Updates

Planning and Zoning Updates

All city offices are open to the public at this time, including the Planning and Zoning Department. If you are wanting to conduct business with our Planning and Zoning staff we recommend making an appointment.  

All permit requests should be submitted online.  If you are unable to apply online, please contact us at the number below and we will make other arrangements.

Invoices for fees may be paid by phone.  If you submit a check, please do so by mail or drop off at either of two drop boxes in the rear of city hall, in a sealed envelope addressed to Planning & Zoning.

If you are coordinating deliveries with private companies, please inform them that personnel will not be able to sign for deliveries.

Checks should be deposited in the city hall drop box and plans may be deposited in the gray bin in front of the Planning and Zoning office.

If you have any questions or concerns during this time, please contact us (704) 901-2610.

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