OVERVIEW OF LEAD past & present
As you can see from the timeline to the left, lead in drinking water has been of national concern since the 1980's. Most water systems contain some lead service lines that were installed prior to the discovery of the negative health effects of lead. Lead from these old lines can enter the drinking water when corrosion occurs. The consumption of lead causes damage to the brain and nervous system, and children and pregnant women are most susceptible.
In 1991 the Lead and Copper Rule established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required large water systems to implement corrosion control into their water treatment processes. This has proven effective, as the City of Belmont has remained in compliance since lead testing began in 1993.
The goal of the EPA is to eventually rid water systems of all lead. Phase 1 of this goal is for each system to complete an inventory of all customer and utility owned service lines. A task of this proportion will require collaboration of multiple city departments as well as engagement from the community.
No lead has been detected at any of the Belmont sampling sites.
To view the full water quality report click here.
Homeowners can complete the survey that include uploading pictures to verify service line material by clicking here.
Belmont’s Lead Service Line Inventory and FAQs on Lead Pipes”.