Garbage and Recycling
Brought To You By
The City of Belmont contracts with the third party company Waste Pro for garbage and recycling services. For more information about the services that are offered to our citizens, please see the following sections.
Request a Cart and Complaints
Request a Cart
If you are a new or existing customer and need to request a new or replacement Garbage or Recycling cart please use the Request a Cart button below. This will direct you to their online request portal.
If you need to report a complaint to Waste Pro about their services, please use the Report a Complaint button below. This will direct you to their online complaint portal.
Collection Information
Garbage is collected every week on your normally scheduled pickup day. In situations where your pickup day may fall on a Holiday, your scheduled pickup may be delayed by 1 business day.
Recycling is collected every two weeks on your normally scheduled pickup day. In situations where your pickup day may fall on a Holiday, your scheduled pickup may be delayed by 1 business day.

Bulk is collected once every quarter on your normally scheduled pickup day during the months of January, April, July and October.
Pickup Routes and Calendar
Calendar magnets showing the pickup schedules are available at CityWorks, on the side of the drop box located at the back of City Hall, or you can access the Waste Pro Pickup Calendar document below for a copy.
Route and Calendar Documents
Pickup Guidelines
There are required guidelines that must be followed to ensure that your Garbage and Recycling are picked up properly. If these guidelines are not followed, this may result in your items not being picked up. To ensure you are following each of these requirements properly, please see the different guideline documents below.