Annual Budget
Budget Fiscal Year
The City of Belmont budget year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following year.
The city budget consists of 4 different funds:
- General Fund - This fund covers most city operations, such as Fire, Parks and Recreation, Police, Streets, and Planning
- Stormwater Fund - This fund provide drainage improvement projects
- Tourism Fund - This fund promotes Belmont as a tourist destination
- Water and Sewer Fund - This fund covers the operation and maintenance of the city water and sewer infrastructure and provides drinking water to city customers
City Budget Process
- The city manager and staff propose the annual budget and present it to the city council for consideration.
- The city is required by North Carolina General Statutes to adopt a balanced city budget by June 30 for the upcoming budget year, following a public hearing on the proposed budget. The city council held a public hearing on the FY 2020-2021 budget on June 1, 2020. The City Council considered approval of the budget after the public hearing.
For detailed information on the approved budget click on City Manager's budget message below.