CityConnect Community News & Updates


Connecting with our community is a priority for the City of Belmont. Our new community mass notification system CityConnect gives residents, businesses, and visitors 24/7 access to important public safety alerts as well as general community news and updates.

CityConnect is built on the Onsolve CodeRED communication system to ensure efficient, secure messaging via phone, email, text, and push notifications.

There are several benefits to enrolling in the CityConnect Community Notification System:

  • During a crisis, real-time updates can provide life-saving instructions and information.
  • Notifications are on the go with you. You can receive important alerts and updates directly to your cell phone, home phone, text, email, or through push notifications.
  • You’ll receive Belmont-specific updates on both emergency and non-emergency topics that matter to our community.
  • You’ll be notified when there are public services announcements that specifically impact your home or business location. For example: delays in garbage/recycling services, local road closures, CityRec Center updates, etc.
  • Your personal data is secure in the Onsolve CodeRED system, which is used nation-wide by emergency services teams and municipalities.

CityConnect is intended to supplement, not replace, information residents will receive from the media. Further, it should not replace individual and family emergency planning. For information on developing an emergency preparedness plan we suggest that you visit or

Ready to Sign Up?

Click here to visit the CityConnect registration and login webpage.

Need assistance with registering for CityConnect? Watch our helpful video guide by clicking here.

View the image below for step-by-step instructions on creating your CityConnect account. Click to enlarge.

CityConnect Registration Instructions.

Do you live in Belmont, but not in the city limits, Cramerton, Mt. Holly, or other communities outside of the City of Belmont?

The CodeRED system that CityConnect is built on will allow you to register directly for this tool if you live outside the Belmont city limits (i.e. you don’t pay taxes to the City of Belmont.)  If you register for alerts from the City of Belmont, but don’t live within the municipal limits, it’s important to remember that you still need to continue to follow your local emergency services alerts that apply specifically to your physical location.

Get Critical Alerts Straight To Your Phone

With the CodeRED Mobile Alert app – OnSolve enables CityConnect users to receive notifications directly to your mobile device whether at home, on the road, or traveling around the country.

If you download the app on your mobile phone, you will not only receive CityConnect push notifications, but the app will also deliver relevant, location-based alerts based on GPS location to ensure you receive critical information when you are in a CodeRED client’s jurisdiction.

Click here for more information on the CodeRED Mobile App:

NOTE: You must download and sign up for the CodeRED mobile app even if you already have an existing CodeRED account.

If you have questions about the CityConnect program, please contact us at

For technical help with the application, please contact CodeRED for assistance at 866-939-0911.

The City of Belmont wants to provide residents, local business owners, visitors, and employees with the most relevant information exactly when it’s needed. CityConnect allows us to send out communications to stay in touch with community news and updates.

The City of Belmont has contracted with OnSolve to use their CodeRED® mass communications system. In case of an emergency situation in our area a City of Belmont employee will use the CityConnect communications system to compose or record a message and launch a variety of communication methods to contact residents that have signed up for CityConnect. The CityConnect system may also be used by the city to inform you in case of something that affects the community such as a water line breaks, an unplanned road closing, or general information on city programs and events.

So many choices! You may receive notifications from the City of Belmont via cell phone, landline phone, text, push notifications, and email. Or all of the above!

You choose what works for you.

The CityConnect Community Notification System is not connected to the any other communication program. You will need to sign up for this Belmont-specific tool even if you already have enrolled in other programs.

Redial the number that you received the notification from and the last message will be replayed for you.


For more information on the CodeRED Mobile Alert app for iOS and Android, please see the “Mobile app” tab on this page.

The Community Alert System is free to residents of the City of Belmont. We are working to provide an efficient and effective way to communicate information related to public safety. Depending on your service provider, you may incur minor charges for a received cell phone call or text messages.

The City of Belmont does not issue alerts messages during fast changing severe weather events such as tornadoes and thunderstorms. There are many publicly available, reliable, and accurate means of receiving severe weather information that citizens are encouraged to use such as NOAA Weather Radios (National Weather Service), smart phone apps and local (Charlotte) TV and radio stations.

There are several possible reasons why you didn’t receive an alert

  1. Someone else picked up your phone
  2. You didn’t recognize the sender and deleted the message without reading it
  3. Your phone numbers have been changed since registration

These are reasons why we test the CityConnect Communications System, so that residents can become familiar with it.

Listen carefully and follow the instructions. You will be able to replay the message and write down phone numbers and addresses. Contact the phone numbers provided within the message for more information. Do not call 911 for more information. In a public emergency situation, the 911 dispatch will be very busy responding to individual emergency calls. They will not be able to answer questions related to CityConnect messages.

Understandably, people want to know what is happening and what is being done during a public emergency. However, calling the Department of Emergency Services and 911 ties up phone lines and human resources that can best be used managing the emergency. During an emergency situation, the Department of Emergency Services will use the CityConnect communications system to provide ongoing information updates as circumstances change. One of the purposes of the CityConnect communications system is to provide timely and accurate information to residents, freeing Emergency Services resources to appropriately manage the situation at hand.

You should always tune to local television and radio stations. Your emergency preparedness plan should include a battery-operated radio.

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