Category: City News

LYNX Silver Line Virtual Open House

NOW OPEN (through November 3)- Public engagement is continuing as CATS seeks valuable input for further refinement of the LYNX Silver Line light rail alignment and station locations. Please click the links below to  find updates on the ongoing planning and design efforts for the proposed LYNX Silver Line light rail.  Virtual Public Meeting Online … Continued

Transit-Oriented Development Virtual Workshop

NOW OPEN- CATS has now launched a virtual workshop that allows you to provide input on station area planning ideas on the proposed LYNX Silver Line station areas- including Belmont. Click the link below to share your thoughts and ideas about the early visions for what development could look like surrounding the future station location. … Continued

Yard Waste Collection Clarification

There was some confusion generated by the yard waste flyer that recently went out in the monthly water bills about grass clippings and leaf collection. The city has and will continue to pick up grass clippings and leaves that are bagged and placed on the curb if a pick-up is scheduled by Tuesday at 12PM. … Continued

Targeted Listening Sessions: Connect Beyond Regional Mobility Plan

The Connect Beyond Team is hosting targeted listening sessions with community members from across our 12-county region to help refine the draft recommendations for CONNECT Beyond’s regional transit plan. These virtual listening sessions will be interactive interviews that can be done in English or Spanish and take approximately 30-minutes to complete. Each household that participates … Continued

Public Comment Period NOW OPEN for the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP)

AUG. 2- AUG. 31, 2021- The GCLMPO is updating its Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), a long-range, fiscally-constrained plan that defines the transportation network that will serve both present and projected volumes of vehicular traffic, public transportation use, bicycle, pedestrian, aviation and freight travel in and around the urban area through the year 2050. The MTP … Continued

2020 Water Quality Report

Annual Water Quality Report Now Available The City of Belmont’s 2020 Annual Water Quality Report is now available to the Public. We release this report each year to meet state requirements and to also keep our citizens informed about their drinking water. To view the report, please click the link below. VIEW 2020 WATER QUALITY … Continued

DelWebb to provide a portion of the South Fork Parkway & New Greenway

May 24, 2021- Belmont City Council  approved DelWebb’s development plans, which will include the construction of a .73 mile segment of the new South Fork Parkway that will provide a connection between Armstrong Ford Rd and Nixon Rd in Phase 1 of the project.  The developer has also agreed to mitigate their impacts through improvements … Continued

City Council Adopts Resolution of Support for Light Rail Alignment

April 5, 2021- Belmont City Council adopted a Resolution of Support for the LYNX Silver Line Locally Preferred Alternative alignment and station location for the proposed light rail in Belmont.   For more information, please refer to the following presentations: February 2021 Public Engagement: Focus Area #1 (Belmont to I-485) March 15, 2021 City Council … Continued

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