All dance classes, and basketball games/practices are cancelled tonight at the CityRec Center, due to mechanical issues.

Board of Adjustment

Purpose and Duties

The Belmont Board of Adjustment is an decision-making body made up of five (5) members appointed by the Belmont City Council. Four of the five members reside in the city, and one member represents the Extra-Territorial jurisdiction (ETJ).  The Board hears and decides:

  • Appeals of decisions of administrative officials charged with enforcement of the ordinance
  • Petitions for variances from Belmont's Land Development Code


  • Katie Hill
  • Jonathan Stewart
  • Donald Butler- Vice Chair
  • Ken Taylor- ETJ Member
  • John Gallegos

Applying for a Variance or Appeal

Before applying for a variance or an appeal, please consult with the Planning and Zoning Department staff. Legal representation is not required when appearing before the Board, but it is recommended. Please see the information below.

Planning and Zoning Department


The Zoning Board of Adjustment meets the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM at CityWorks, located at 1401 E Catawba Street, Belmont. All meetings are open to public.  Agendas and minutes can be found at the agenda center by using the Agendas and Minutes button below. 

Rules of Procedure

The Board of Adjustment's Rules of Procedures are below. Under authority of the General Statutes of North Carolina, 160D and the Land Development Code (LDC) of the City of Belmont, the City of Belmont's Board of Adjustment hereby adopts these general rules of procedure for the hearing of matters coming before the Board. The Board, being a public body, shall at all times conduct meetings in conformity with the NC Open Meetings Law statute (Chapter 143-318.12 of the General Statutes of North Carolina), and in conformity with the LDC and other governing law.


For questions or inquiries about the Board of Adjustment, you may contact Chester Jones at the information listed below.

Chester Jones
Planning Technician and Secretary

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