Belmont Historic District

In 1996, the Belmont Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places, with 264 contributing buildings. This list recognizes the itemized buildings, structures and sites within this Historic District as significant historic resources in our community, but this designation alone does not protect these resources from demolition or irrevocable harm. This listing is primarily an honor that calls attention to historic structures and builds community pride in preservation.

National Register of Historic Places - Belmont District Map

Benefits of being listed in the National Register of Historic Places

Income tax incentives for the rehabilitation of historic structures are important tools for historic preservation and economic development in North Carolina and can be a great benefit of being in the district.  Owners of contributing structures may purse tax credit incentives for eligible rehabilitation work that meets certain criteria.  As part of the national listing process, a district wide inventory of contributing and noncontributing structures was compiled.  This inventory is the source for whether a structure is contributing or noncontributing.  There are no restrictions placed on the property by the National Register unless owners are pursuing rehabilitation tax credits.  If pursuing tax credits, all rehabilitation work must meet The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and follow an established approval process.

For owner-occupied residential properties: Homeowners may receive a 15% state tax credit for qualified rehabilitation of owner-occupied residential properties. For more information:  Non-Income-Producing Properties | NC DNCR (

For income-producing properties:  Owners of income producing historic structures may potentially receive a 20% federal income tax credit and a 15-25% state income tax credit for qualified rehabilitation work.   For more information:  Income-Producing Properties | NC DNCR (

National Register Nomination

Click the link below to see the inventory that lists the contributing and non-contributing structures within Belmont's Historic District.

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